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Elba’s little ABC of Sex Education

Frida Nøddebo Nyrup says:

I hope that this book can contribute to moving in a direction where we give our children better circumstances for growing up in an environment that considers their natural need for gradually developing their sexuality. Here, I am referring to the physical and mental potentials, so that the individual becomes aquianted with their own and others sexuality in a respectful and attentive manner. If we as a soceity can creates changes, then I beleive we can achieve the following:

  • That fewer adolsencts and adults experiences frustrations due to an undevelloped sexualtiy.
  • That more children, adolescents and adults will become better at saying no to undesired advances.
  • That more adolescents and adults will become better at ensuring that those who their interact with are content with the interaction.
  • That fewer children, adolescents and adults exhibit offensive or violating conduct.

But this is a very taboo subject. Only by standing together and by speaking up can vi change these circumstances! This is why we encourage you to share this website on social media, speak with your neighbor, and the professionals who take care of your child.

The Children’s Book: “Elba’s little ABC of Sex Education”

“A contribution to the development of healthy and well-functioning people”

The author Frida Nøddebo Nyrup

Read an excerpt from the book: